Pitch and Putt Mastery: Club Selections That Takes Your Game to the Next Level.
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Pitch and Putt Mastery: Club Selections That Takes Your Game to the Next Level.

One of the greatest things about going for a round of golf on a pitch and putt or par 3 course is the accessibility of it. It terms of time, money and equipment it really is open to all. Now golf as a sport typically doesn’t even pretend to be a cheap sport and one of the major costs is equipment. With pitch and Putt needing so much less we take a look at what clubs you can use for a successful pitch and putt round.

For Pitch and Putt, you need a set of clubs that includes irons, wedges, and a putter. Irons are used for mid-to short-range shots, wedges are for short-range shots and around the green, and the putter is used for putting on the green. On shorter hole courses it is possible to play with just a wedge and a putter.

We take a look at why we think these clubs are your best bet, and give a little distance advice on them to make you choose the right club for the right hole in the article below. You can also check out our other Pitch and Putt articles in the table on this page.

What clubs do you need to play pitch and putt

What Clubs Do you Need for Pitch and Putt

On Par 3 or Pitch and putt courses with slightly longer holes it might be worth considering a high iron club like a 7 to 9 iron if you cant hit the ball with full strength.

We take a look at these clubs below and explain why they are suitable for a Pitch and Putt round on most courses.

Pitch and Putt Clubs: Sand Wedge

Although a sand wedge is a type of golf club that is designed to get out of hazards like bunkers or sand traps. The short hole distance of Pitch and Putt Courses allow it to gain a whole new life and use case. For a club, hopefully seldom, used it also adds to your game if you are an experienced golfer. and allows practice for when you need it on the full course.

What clubs do you need to play pitch and putt

A sand wedge has one of the highest loft angle of an entire set of golf clubs. This is typically between 56-60 degrees. While this high loft helps the club to lift the ball out of the sand it also still has the ability to get the ball a fair way into the distance as well. You can check out the table we included above as well, but an average golfer will hit a sand wedge around 90 yards full tilt.

For a pitch and putt course, you certainly do not need a full or even half set of golf clubs. It will be dead weight on your round. You typically only need a putter and one or two wedges (such as a pitching wedge and a sand wedge). These clubs are used for short-distance shots,

Of course, as a beginner you won’t be achieving this, so this wedge should be used for the shortest of holes on a pitch and putt course, until you are able to balance your swim and power.

Pitch and Putt Clubs: Pitching Wedge

A pitching wedge is a type of golf club that is typically used for short-to-medium-distance shots around the green, as well as for approach shots and high, soft shots onto the green.

What clubs do you need to play pitch and putt

A pitching wedge typically has a loft angle between 44-48 degrees, which is less than that of a sand wedge. This lower loft allows the club to hit the ball with more speed and less spin, which results in longer distance shots and less height..

In terms of distance, a pitching wedge can be used for a wide range of shots, from short pitches and chips around the green to full swings for approach shots and even some longer shots, it the pitch and putt course has holes around 100 yards long it is worth considering a pitching, rather than a Sand wedge depending on your skill level.

Pitch and Putt Clubs: Putter

A putter is a type of golf club that is used for making strokes on the green (the area of the course near the hole that is specially prepared for putting). Putters are specifically designed for making smooth, rolling strokes on the green, and they typically have a very low loft angle (around 3-5 degrees).

What clubs do you need to play pitch and putt

The main focus of a putter is to roll the ball in a smooth and consistent way, allowing for accurate control of distance and direction, as well as a good speed control and to give you the best chance of finishing that pitch and putt hole.

Optional Clubs: Pitch and Putt Clubs: 7, 8, 9 irons

Although Irons are not strictly necessary on Pitch and Putt courses, they can be useful to have in your bag. Pitch and Putt holes are not usually over around 100 yards and as you can see from the table all irons are designed to get the ball further than that.

However those figures are very VERY ballpark and how close you can get to a maximum distance on a club is completely dependant on your skill level. If you are not the strongest hitter of a golf ball then having some longer distance clubs like an 8 or 9 iron might give you more options, and importantly more confidence on the course.

If you are an absolute beginner we would not suggest them on your first few rounds, and we suggest just trying out the wedges and putters we highlight above. Later, if you are looking for your own clubs you can consider irons to add to your game and practice with them to improve scrambling percentages if you need to as well.

Table 1: Average distance for full swing on Pitch and Putt with the Sand, Pitching, Lob Wedges 8, iron and 9 iron.

Pitch and Putt ClubAverage golfer Distance
Sand Wedge80-100 yards ( not in bunker)
Pitching Wedge100-130 yards
Lob Wedge60 – 80 yards
8 iron140-160 yards
9 Iron130-150 yards

Please be aware these are just averages, and the distance you can achieve with a specific club can vary depending on the individual player, the condition of the course, and the weather. Do not berate yourself or overly congratulate yourself if you are below or above these figures.

there is a reason we have different clubs in a set, and pitch and putt allows you to play to YOUR strengths if you are too long on hole you can try a lower club, if you are two short maybe try and iron.

Do you need your own clubs for a pitch and putt course

If you are just starting out in golf then there is no need at all to go out and buy equipment. Pitch and putt course will have clubs available for rent ( though double check before you roll up with your family of course!) .

However, if you plan to play frequently, it can be more convenient and cost-effective to have your own set of clubs. if you have been bitten by the golfing bug and are planning to play often then of course using your own clubs while long term being cheaper, also allows you to get experience and a feel for your own set as well. Just make sure you take good care of them as they are certainly an investment. We have an article on caring for your golf irons here on the site.

What is the Cost for Pitch and Putt Clubs

We do suggest buying second hand, unless money is no object, until you are sure you want to continue playing golf. It can save you a LOT of money and there are usually plenty for sale at the actual courses, in newspapers and on sites liek craigs list. Once you know you want to continue to play you can look at the larger investment on new clubs. as an idea of price ( and its varies on quality and where in the world you are of course) you can check the list below for rough ideas.

  • A second-hand putter can range in price from around $20 to $100 or more, depending on the condition and brand. A used putter from a well-known brand in good condition can cost around $50 to $80.
  • A second-hand pitching wedge can range in price from around $10 to $50 or more, depending on the condition and brand. A used pitching wedge from a well-known brand in good condition can cost around $20 to $40.
  • A second-hand sand wedge can range in price from around $10 to $50 or more, depending on the condition and brand. A used sand wedge from a well-known brand in good condition can cost around $20 to $40.

We have a larger more in depth article on the costs and how to reduce them of Pitch and Putt in the article linked here and below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many clubs for a Pitch and Putt Compeition

The maximum clubs for a pitch and putt competition is currently 3 clubs, of which one has to be a putter. The other two are usually a wedge, pitch or sand, and a short iron. However this depends on the layout of the course and length of the holes.

Do I need a full set of irons for Pitch and Putt?

It’s not strictly necessary to have a full set of irons for Pitch and Putt, but they can be useful to have in your bag for shots around the green and for approach shots to the green. Some players may choose to focus on developing their short game and only carry wedges and putters.

How many wedges do I need for Pitch and Putt?

It’s recommended to have at least one wedge, such as a pitching wedge, in your bag for Pitch and Putt. However, having a variety of wedges with different lofts such as a pitching wedge, sand wedge, and lob wedge can provide more options for different types of shots and situations.

Can I use my regular golf clubs for Pitch and Putt?

You can use your regular golf clubs for Pitch and Putt, but it’s important to keep in mind that Pitch and Putt is typically played on smaller courses with shorter holes, so you may not need the full range of clubs that you would use for traditional golf.

Do I need special clubs for Pitch and Putt?

You don’t need special clubs for Pitch and Putt, but it’s important to choose clubs that fit your skill level and playing style. It’s also a good idea to experiment with different options to find what works best for you.

How much does it cost to rent Pitch and Putt Clubs

This really depends where you are playing, but prices can range from as little as 1to 2 or so dollars (dont expect pro level clubs of course) to around 5 dollars. There will often be a deposit as well


While Pitch and Putt can be played with just two clubs, a wedge (Sand, or Pitching) and a putter. you will get a better feel if you take 3 or 4 clubs with you. If you are new to golf you might struggle with distance from the tee and a low iron like an 8 or 9 iron in addition to the wedge and the putter will help you compensate till you get more skilled.

There is no need to buy these clubs as most pitch and putt courses offer club rentals, that while not ideal, do give you a feel for the game and let you decide if its for you before you jump in and buy your first golf clubs.


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