How to care for golf irons like a pro

12 Golf Pro Secrets: How to Care For Your Irons for Better Performance

As golf becomes more and more technologically advanced, the prices of everything within the sport continue to rise as well.  Golf irons are susceptible to the rise as well, making it even more important nowadays to care for them properly and make sure you can get as long as possible a life span out of them. So we take a look at the top tips for caring for and keeping your irons in the best condition possible.  

Tips to care for golf irons include the following, cleaning them after each use, store vertically in a dry place, protect clubhead with a head cover, avoid heat, regrip regularly or when needed, use a ferrule to protect the shaft, and rotate clubs to avoid overuse.

As we should all both be watching our wallets and the environment, we have are a few pro tips to keep in mind for your golf irons in order to keep them performing at a high level in the years to come. 

How to Care For Your Irons

1. Give your Irons a Proper Cleaning!

The first and most important tip regarding golf irons is to give them a thorough cleaning on a regular basis.  The number of times depends on how often the clubs are put to use, but in general it should be at least once per month. 

All one needs to do a great job is warm water, dish soap, and a small brush of some sort such as a toothbrush.  Let the clubs soak for a bit in the warm water then take them out and brush them down before toweling them off., never put them away wet – unless you are angling on getting a new set that is.

It only takes a matter of minutes but can play a significant impact on one’s game.  The reason for this is that having clean grooves (the notches on the clubface of irons) will lead to the highest performance out on the golf course. 

If one does not clean their golf clubs regularly, they are essentially throwing strokes away, as the golf ball will not generate as much spin or bite on approach shots.  Make sure to give them a thorough cleaning after the last round of the year as well so you will be ready to hit the links running next year. 

2. Store Golf Irons Properly

The death word to all golf irons is rust.  Once rusting starts it can be difficult trying to stop it, resulting in golfers paying hundreds of dollars to either fix the irons or being forced to buy an entirely new set altogether.  Instead of paying for a new set, why not just keep the existing golf iron set and simply store them properly during the year?  

Somewhere dry is ideal during the golf season, but once finished for the year certain consider putting them in a temperature-controlled environment. 

The most popular option for most golfers is to simply throw their golf irons in the garage while they wait it out until next year, but this may not be the best idea as humidity could impact them

It is also important to make sure the golf irons are not kept in areas of extreme temperatures as well.  If it is a hot summer day make sure to take the golf irons out of the trunk of the car after playing.

The main reason for this is that the glue that holds the clubs together can come apart in extreme temperatures.  The last thing you want is to be out on the course and have a clubhead fall off an iron because of something as simple as keeping the clubs in the trunk of the car for too long. 

The same applies to cold temperatures as well, in that golf irons can crack apart in freezing temperatures. 

How to Care For Your Irons

3. Dry Your Golf Irons Properly

After cleaning your irons, it is important to dry them properly and thoroughly before storing. Moisture can and will cause rust and corrosion, so make sure to wipe down your irons with a dry cloth or towel and as we mentioned above keep them in a dry place, out of direct sunlight, and vertically stored.

We also mentioned golf club headcovers which can help to keep club heads, at least, out of the elements, but make sure you get breathable or wickable ones as if you use plastic or similar you will jsut cause condensation of temperatures change.

3.5 What about Rust on Golf Irons

If you do happen to come across some rust on the golf irons, don’t fret too much about it!  Get either vinegar or lemon juice in a small container and soak the affected areas in the solution for a few hours.  After taking them out of the solution scrub away the rust with a brush or towel. 

It should be able to get rid of most if not all of the rust on the first go, but there may be instances where another round or two will do the trick. We have more information here on the site if you need. Including the materials and step by step instructions.

4. Store Your Irons Vertically

To Keep your irons in great condition, or at least straight, make sure you store them vertically. In the Golf bag is Ok, in a club rack is better if you have one. This will prevent the irons from warping or bending due to gravity. We explain the benefits of this in the list below.

  1. Prevent rons warping: Gravity can cause golf clubs to bend and warp over time, especially if they are stored flat and horizontally for long periods of time. By storing your irons vertically, you can minimize the effects of gravity and help maintain their straightness.
  2. Better organization: Vertical storage allows you to easily organize and access your golf clubs, making it easier to find the club you need quickly and efficiently.
  3. Protect the shaft: The shaft of a golf club is an important part of its performance, and if it becomes damaged, it can affect the club’s accuracy and distance. By storing your irons vertically, you can reduce the risk of damage to the shaft, as there is less pressure on the club and less likely someone will dump shopping or anything else on top of it.
  4. Reduce clutter: Storing your irons vertically can help reduce clutter in your home, making it easier to keep track of your clubs and other equipment. This can also help you to spot any missing or damaged clubs, as you can easily see all of your irons at a glance.
  5. Maintain appearance: Vertical storage can help keep your irons looking their best, as it reduces the risk of scratches, dents, and other cosmetic damage that can occur when clubs are stored all over the place.
How to care for your golf  irons
Editorial credit: piamphoto /

5. Avoid Too Much Heat

Heat can cause warping and other damage to your irons and UV can damage the grips, so it is important to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or sources of heat especially for days on end. If you must store your irons in a hot place, consider using a golf club cover to protect them from the heat.

Additionally, avoid leaving your irons in a hot car, as the extreme temperature can cause irreparable damage. So if you put them in the trunk of your car after a weekend round, don’t then decide to check on them the next friday night before you go. They will not have fared well!

6. Apply Protective Coating

To prevent rust and corrosion, it is a good idea to apply a protective coating of some description to the clubhead and shaft of your irons. It is not foolproof, but if you live in a humid area, or with variations in humidity then it might make the difference.

There are many different types of coatings available, including sprays, waxes, and oils, that can be applied to provide a barrier against moisture and other elements. We suggest not using this as a way to sneak chapstick on to the face of your golf club though! ( if you don’t get that reference you can check here)

7. Use Sandpaper -Carefully!

Over time, the face of your irons can develop grooves or nicks from repeated (hopefully) use, which can affect their performance. To restore the clubface, you can use sandpaper to lightly sand the surface and remove any minor imperfections.

This should be used sparingly of course, as in trying to remove imperfections you might just end up creating whole loads of new ones if you go hell for leather on it.

8. Get Regripped when Needed

The grips on your irons are an equally, if overlooked, important part of the clubs performance, and over time, they can become worn or slick, affecting your grip and control. To keep your irons comfortable to hold and play with, as well as keep you performing at your best, it is a good idea to replace the grips regularly.

Most golf shops offer grip replacement services, or you can do it yourself with a new set of grips and some grip solvent, however if you are unsure or don’t want to mess it up you can ask for at least assistance from other golfers, or the pro shop to do it for you – there will of course be a fee.

How to care for your golf irons
Editorial credit: YM.Ku Shahril /

9. Use a Ferrule on the Shaft

A ferrule is a plastic or metal ring that is fitted on the shaft of a golf club to help to protect it from damage. Ferrules are usually installed just below the clubhead and help prevent the shaft from splitting or breaking.

You can actually get custom made ones if you wanted to stand out a little, and we have a longer article on ferrules, what they are, where you can get them, and how to fit them on the link as well.

10. Consider Headcovers for Your Irons

While everyone is familiar with using headcovers for their driver and woods, why not consider irons as well?  Golf irons are just as important as the driver and woods, right?  So why not protect them the same way?  Headcovers prevent the clubhead’s from banging around into each other and causing dents and other potential damage. 

They essentially provide even more durability for the golf club set as a whole and can double as a waterproof shield in case it rains, and you forgot to bring a proper cover.  What’s also great is that there are numerous options available to personalize the headcovers in a way that shows your personal style or favorite sports teams etc.

11. Avoid Overusing One Iron.

Overusing the same iron repeatedly can cause wear and tear on the clubhead and shaft, affecting its performance and lifespan. So no matter how attached you are to your 5 iron you should try to mix it up a little to extend the life of your irons, it is a good idea to rotate your clubs where conditions allow and use a variety of different irons during your round. This may be more difficult if you play Pitch and Putt a lot, but get creative!

This will help distribute the wear and tear evenly and prevent any one club from becoming overworked.

12. Inspect the Shafts Regularly

Last but certainly not least, golfers should inspect the shafts of their golf irons on a regular basis as well, and it is something that does not get done often enough.  This is especially critical when you have hit a shot against a hard object such as a rock or a tree root. 

Having a golf shaft that is bent or dented in any way can tremendously impact the performance of the club itself, and as such golfers should look to replace the golf irons that have shafts with any noticeable damage to them.  Even if you haven’t hit a hard object, it is still useful to inspect the shafts on a regular basis to ensure everything is as it should be. 

We have more on keeping your Irons and other gold clubs in top shape here on the site and you can check the link here and on the image below.


Taking care of your golf irons is essential to ensure they last as long as possible and keep their performance on the course. By following simple steps such as cleaning the clubhead and shaft after each use, storing the irons vertically in a dry place, protecting them with a head cover, and avoiding heat exposure, you can help protect your clubs from damage and wear and tear.

Additionally, applying a protective coating, using sandpaper to maintain the clubface, regripping the clubs regularly, using a ferrule to protect the shaft, can help extend their lifespan and performance.

By investing a little time and effort into caring for your golf irons, you can enjoy years of great play and improved scores on the course…. hopefully


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