Can You Wash Golf Balls in the Dishwasher
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Can You Wash Golf Balls in the Dishwasher?

After tees, golf balls are probably the cheapest of your golf equipment, this doesn’t mean they should be neglected and allowed to get dirty. The cleanliness of your golf balls isn’t merely about how they look; it plays an important role in their performance on the course and importantly your score! While you can scrub away with a soft brush some golfers have started to use their dishwashers to clean their golf balls. We take a look at if you can clean golf balls in a dishwasher, and how to do this.

Washing golf balls in a dishwasher is possible, but with considerations. Place balls in the tool tray to prevent movement. Use a gentle cycle with mild detergent, avoiding high heat. While effective for light cleaning, hand-cleaning might be best for heavy stains to preserve ball integrity.

We will take a look at how to wash golf balls in a dishwasher below as well as some of the potential risks of doing so.

Can You Wash Golf Balls in the Dishwasher

Why Clean Your Golf Balls?

A clean golf ball is vital to the game for many reasons.

  • Firstly, from a performance perspective, dirt or debris can alter the ball’s aerodynamics. A dirty ball can lead to inconsistent flights, potentially affecting the shot’s accuracy and distance.
  • Less importantly is how the golf ball looks, but playing with a clean ball not only looks good, but also helps in spotting the ball during a game, especially in dim conditions or challenging terrains.
  • Beyond performance and how it looks, cleaning also helps in prolonging the life of a golf ball. Dirt, if left unchecked, can damage the ball over time.
  • This can lead to reduced spin control, changing its behavior on the greens.
  • So think of a routine cleaning as not just about looking good; it’s an essential aspect of maintaining the ball’s performance.

Can a Dishwasher Clean Golf Balls?

A dishwasher is designed to tackle stubborn food residues, employing a combination of hot water and detergents to ensure dishes come out spotless.

When it comes to golf balls, the principle is much the same. The rotating arms of the dishwasher spray jets of water forcefully, aiming to remove dirt and stains from the ball’s surface.

In many cases, this method can prove effective, especially for balls that aren’t heavily soiled. However, there are things to consider. Golf balls can move around during the wash cycle, possibly causing noise or potential damage.

Plus, consistent exposure to high heat and strong detergents might compromise the ball’s integrity over time.

While a dishwasher can clean golf balls and do a great job as well, but there are ways to do this to protect both your golf balls and your expensive dishwasher. We look at some tips on how to wash golf balls in a dishwasher below as well.

Can a Dishwasher Clean Lightly Stained Balls?

Lightly stained golf balls have a higher chance of getting effectively cleaned in a dishwasher. Since the staining is minimal, the force of water combined with the detergent will likely be enough to restore them to a near-pristine state.

The gentle cycle should be used with golf balls to ensure they get cleaned without too much wear. However, while the dishwasher may handle light stains with relative ease, it’s important to place the balls securely to avoid them knocking around and causing potential damage to both the balls and the dishwasher.

Also, rinsing the balls under tap water before placing them in the dishwasher can improve the cleaning process, and after to get rid of any left over detergent that may have escaped the dishwashers rinse cycle.

Can You Wash Golf Balls in the Dishwasher

Can a Dishwasher Clean Heavily Stained Balls?

Golf balls with heavy stains or ground-in dirt have seen their fair share of sand traps, water hazards, and rough terrains. For these, the challenge of cleaning goes up a notch.

While a dishwasher’s forceful water jets can dislodge some of the dirt, stubborn stains might not completely fade.

The heat and detergent could potentially cause wear or discoloration to the ball, affecting its visual appeal more than its performance. It’s also important to remember that continuous high-heat and aggressive cleaning can potentially degrade the ball’s material over time which may affect its performance.

For heavily stained balls, it might be more effective to pretreat them with a golf ball cleaning solution or use specialized cleaning equipment before considering the dishwasher even a long soak may help before placing them in the dishwasher.

Can You Wash Golf Balls in the Dishwasher

How to Clean Your Golf Balls in a Dishwasher:

The dishwasher, typically the savior for dirty dishes, is now being used as a solution for golf balls too.

While it is worth checking with whoever uses the dishwasher the most (to avoid an argument), it will clean your golf balls, you just need to pay some attention to how you do it and the settings and liquids you use

The Dishwasher Method

  1. Preparation: Before placing the golf balls in the dishwasher, quickly rinse them under tap water to remove any loose dirt or debris. If heavily stained you can soak them for 20 mins or so to help.
  2. Tool Tray Placement: To avoid the golf balls bouncing around during the wash cycle, place them in the tool tray or cutlery holder. This ensures they remain stationary and don’t bounce out and prevents potential damage to both the balls and the dishwasher.
  3. Avoid Overloading: Don’t fill the entire tray with golf balls. Allow space between each ball for better cleaning and water circulation.
  4. Mild Detergent: Use a mild detergent not a strong one, as aggressive dishwashing soaps might be too harsh for the outer coating of the golf balls.
  5. Choose the Right Cycle: Choose for a gentle cycle with a moderate temperature. Avoid using the ‘heated dry’ option, as prolonged exposure to high heat can affect the golf ball’s durability, if you don’t want to drip dry you can use a soft towel to dry them after.
  6. Post-Wash Inspection: Once the cycle is done, inspect each ball for any remaining dirt or stains. If necessary, these can be cleaned with a soft brush for those stubborn stains.
  7. Drying: Air dry the golf balls instead of using heated drying. Lay them out on a towel and allow them to dry naturally.

Quick Table Summary:

1. PrepRinse golf balls.
2. PlacementUse the tool tray.
3. LoadDon’t overcrowd.
4. DetergentUse mild soap.
5. CycleGentle, no heat.
6. InspectCheck post-wash.
7. DryAir dry on a towel.

Potential Risks

Cleaning golf balls in a dishwasher, although effective, does come with its set of concerns. We look at a few of these below.

  • The heat and detergent combination, while excellent for dishes, might affect the ball’s exterior, particularly the protective layer.
  • There’s also the risk of balls damaging the dishwasher racks or the spinning mechanisms if not placed correctly.
  • Over time, repeated washing might compromise the golf ball’s durability and performance.
  • Consider how the ball might react to extreme temperatures and the impact of chemical detergents. The protective urethane cover of modern balls might lose its shine or, worse, its structural integrity.
  • The abrasive nature of dishwasher detergents could potentially dull the ball’s finish. Hence, while the method is convenient for a quick wash, it’s essential to be aware of these potential drawbacks.

Alternative Methods for Cleaning Golf Balls

While the dishwasher debate lingers, numerous tried-and-true methods exist for cleaning golf balls. Many golfers opt for a simple bucket filled with soapy water, scrubbing away the dirt and grime with a brush.

This method, although manual, provides the golfer with direct control over the force applied, ensuring the ball remains in good condition.

On the commercial side, specific golf ball cleaning solutions and machines are available. These are specifically designed to treat golf balls without causing undue wear or impacting performance.

For those desiring a gentle touch, hand cleaning offers a way to inspect each ball, giving individualized care that can extend the ball’s lifespan.

Can You Wash Golf Balls in the Dishwasher

Tips for Maintaining Clean Golf Balls

A proactive approach to golf ball maintenance can save golfers time and ensure a consistent game. Making a habit of cleaning your golf balls after each game can prevent dirt buildup and reduce the need for deep cleans.

Storing your golf balls in a cool, dry place minimizes the amount of dirt and debris, especially when stored in a protective golf ball pouch.

This pouch not only keeps your golf balls safe but also easily accessible. By taking these simple preventative measures, golfers can ensure their balls are always in top condition, ready for the next round.

We have a range of articles on golf balls that should answer the most common questions. Feel few to dive in.


Cleaning golf balls is important for maintaining their performance and ensuring a consistent game. While the convenience of using a dishwasher is tempting, make sure you weigh that usefulness against potential risks to both the golf balls and perhaps even more importantly (for a happy home life) the dishwasher.

Alternative cleaning methods, like using soapy water or commercial cleaners, might take a bit more effort but offer a safer approach.

At the end of the day, the method a golfer chooses should fit with their needs whether it’s quick convenience or the longevity of their golf balls.

It’s always best to choose a method that both effectively cleans the balls and preserves their integrity for many games to come.


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