12 Reasons Why Golf Players Wear Gloves
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12 Reasons Why Golf Players Wear Gloves

Often overshadowed by clubs or the swing technique, gloves, however, have a distinct and important role in the game. more than just an expensive handwarmer gloves offer a host of factors to improve your golf game and we take a look at just some of these reasons why golf players wear gloves below. Golfers wear…

9 Reasons You Do Need Golf Shoes
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9 Reasons You Do Need Golf Shoes

The golfing world, rich in its traditions and values, often emphasizes the importance of the right gear. And while some may debate the necessity of golf shoes, many players swear by their significance. Golf shoes are more than just a stylish accessory; they’re a fusion of functionality, tradition, and performance enhancement. Golf shoes are important…

12 Reasons Why Golf Is So Hard To Learn
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12 Reasons Why Golf Is So Hard To Learn

Golf seems like a calm game at first glance, with its lush green courses and unhurried pace. Yet, beneath the surface, golf is a tricky sport filled with challenges. This sport, with roots going back hundreds of years, can appear simple but becomes more complex the closer you look. Our goal in this article is…

How Long Do Golf Tournaments Last?
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How Long Do Golf Tournaments Last?

Editorial credit: Chatchai Somwat / Shutterstock.com Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just an enthusiastic amateur at your local course, a golf tournament is an ideal opportunity to show off your skills and potentially win some great prizes. The global golf tournament season is typically kicked off with the Masters in Augusta, Georgia. It’s not…

What is the Difference Between a Golf Shirt and a Polo Shirt?
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What is the Difference Between a Golf Shirt and a Polo Shirt?

Golf shirt versus polo shirt — have you ever noticed a difference? We wouldn’t blame you if you hadn’t since to the untrained eye they do appear to be very similar. However, as it turns out there are a number of key differences between these two common and popular clothing items. In today’s article, we…