Can You Play Pitch and Putt Competitions
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Can You Play Pitch and Putt Competitions?

Pitch and Putt being more accessible than full course golf, means that the chance to play in competitions is actually larger than at many golf clubs. These competitions come in many forms, which we look at in more detail below, and while not as famous or prestigious as full course competitions, they are still plenty of fun and take just as much skill as their larger counterparts.

Want to play in Pitch and Putt competitions? First, find a course near you, then join a club or league to find players of similar skill levels. Training and practice resources are available online and at courses, and tips for beginners can help you get started. Have fun!

Although pitch and putt is often stated to be golf with less pressure, there is always room for competition is any sport. Pitch and Putt competitions are taken just as seriously as full course tournaments and we take a look at what you can expect below if you decide to go into this sport competitively.

Can You Play Pitch and Putt Competitions

What is Pitch and Putt?

Just a quick note on what pitch and putt actually is in case this is your first time hearing about it.

Pitch and Putt is similar to golf in many ways, but it is played on a shorter course, usually with holes around 60-90 yards long. becauses its shorter it is possible to play with as little as 2 clubs, although 3-4 is recommended. So Instead of the 14 clubs that golfers can use, pitch and putt players usually use only a wedge, a putter, and maybe a short iron. We have an article on the clubs used on a pitch and putt course here.

The game is scored in the same way as golf, with the goal of completing the course in the fewest number of strokes, with similar hazards and penalties as the full game. Pitch and putt originated in Ireland and has been played in Europe and Asia for decades, but it is only recently gaining popularity in the United States.

Types of Pitch and Putt Competitions

Local Club Pitch and Putt Tournaments:

The most common type of pitch and putt competition, organized by local golf clubs are more frequent and more common. While they are often more relaxed than full course tournaments it is still important to check the rules of both the club they will be held at and of the actual tournament as well.

These pitch and putt competitions will often be advertised on the clubs site, or at the club its self. These clubs often have a mailing list, or emailing list and if you ask to be added they will be happy to keep you up to date with all the information about the club, including the tournaments that are planned for the future.

these local tournaments will often, like full course, be split into categories to some degree, so keep and eye out for seniors, juniors and other sections, especially if your children want to take their first steps into competitive golf

Regional and National Pitch and Putt Tournaments

These pitch and putt competitions are organized by regional or national sports organizations and bring together the best players from a certain area. Some may be invitational and some may be open. However this level of competition is a distinct step up form local clubs.

To find national events you can check the relative governing bodies in your country (or area) like the BPPA ( UK), irish pitch and putt, and for coutries liek france, denmark, portugal and others you can look at ippa. (there is a story here but we wont go into it here)

International Pitch and Putt Tournaments:

These tournaments are organized by international sports organizations, in Pitch and Putts case this is Fippa ( International Pitch and Putt Federation) and EPPF ( European Pitch and Putt Federation) and bring together the best players from around the world to play what is a very busy schedule of games! You can check out their schedule on the link.

Obviously to be considered for this level of events you have to make an impact at both a regional and national level first, however if you are not at that level then going along to watch these elite golfers play is both fun and educational! so give that a go if you get chance.

What to expect from a Pitch and Putt Tournament

Although the pitch and putt game is practically identical to golf, it is shorter and this means your short game has to be up to speed to do well here. if you are the best driver of a ball in your club it isn’t going to help you here ( much) We take a look at what you can expect if you are coming from a full course to try a Pitch and Putt competition.

Course layout and length:

Pitch and Putt is played on a par-3 short hole golf course, this means one stroke to the green and 2 putts for par. ( in theory of course) it also as it is entirely, or usually entirely, par 3 holes you have many many more chances for that elusive hole in one! so take your cameras just in case.

Rules and regulations:

The rules of Pitch and Putt are similar to those of golf, with a few exceptions. There is a shorter (like the course) rule book here on the Fippa site, but as a rule of thumb breaking rules earns you a penalty stroke, and just like full course tournaments don’t rub chapstick on any clubs! We have a large page that goes into the rules of Pitch and putt in more detail on the site.

Required equipment:

Keep your 14 clubs in your car for Pitch and putt. Players use only 3 clubs, one of which must be a putter, the others are your choice, but really it’s a wedge and a short iron depending on the course and hole length. Making it a much more cost effective way to play golf.

Scoring system:

The scoring system of Pitch and Putt is the same as golf, with the goal of completing the course in the fewest number of strokes. Although the penalty system does have a few differences so check the rule book link above before you head out to play.

Can You Play Pitch and Putt Competitions

How to get involved in Pitch and Putt.

Whether you are an experienced or a beginning golfer pitch and putt is actually really useful to both. As well as being great fun, and less time consuming than full rounds it also helps golfers practice their short game and really should be part of every golfers training regime.

You might be lucky enough to be a member of a golf club that has a pitch and putt course included but if not there are plenty around the world and a quick search of your nearest town or city and pitch and putt is likely to show where you can play.

These clubs will often have a membership structure where at its most basic will just be a discount for playing, or hopefully, a club style set up where you can meet other pitch and putt golfers and start to develop a network.

this may include a league where you can start to play, and hopefully rise up the rankings. As you do you will be able to join in at first the entry level competitions and then if you are good enough the higher level tournaments as well.


Pitch and Putt is a fun and exciting sport that is perfect for golfers of all skill levels, played on a smaller course with fewer clubs and no less competitive than a round on a full size course.

Competitions are organised throughout the year on most established pitch and putt courses and they are taken seriously. If you wish to participate in competitive pitch and putt you are going to have to prove your worth by joining leagues, and playing in entry level competitions. Then as you progress (hopefully) you can start to consider the larger regional or national competitions as well.



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