How to Break 80 in Golf: Tips and Tricks
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How to Break 80 in Golf: Tips and Tricks

For many avid golfers, consistently scoring below 80 is the pinnacle of achievement—a mark of true mastery over the sport’s many challenges. This isn’t just about technique; it speaks of a deeper understanding of the game, an ability to strategize, adapt, and excel even under pressure. Breaking 80 signals that you’re not just playing the game; you’re strategizing every swing, putt, and decision on the course.

Breaking 80 in golf demands a blend of refined technique, precise course strategy, and mental tenacity. Regularly analyze your game using modern technology, ensuring your equipment is tailor-fitted. Engage in competitive play, continuously learn from seasoned players, and cultivate resilience for challenging rounds.

This guide is curated to equip you with the insights, strategies, and expertise to solidify your place among golf’s upper echelons. So lets take a look at what you can do to achieve that elusive sub-80 score, if you do manage it you are in the top tier of golfers on the planet as only about 2-5% ever manage to break 80.

How to Break 80 in Golf: Tips and Tricks

7 Practical Tips on How to Break 80.

Below we have the bullet points on tips to break 80 and then the article will go into these, and other tips to break 80 in more depth. If you are short of time or want to get an idea of what is in the article before you invest the time to read this list will help.

Practical Tips to Break 80:

  1. Precise Club Mastery: Understand intricate details of each club’s behavior in varying situations.
  2. Advanced Course Strategy: Approach each hole tactically, weighing risks and rewards.
  3. Customized Equipment: Ensure your gear, especially clubs, is tailored to your specific swing and game needs.
  4. Competitive Play: Engage in tournaments to hone skills under pressure.
  5. Continuous Learning: Regularly take lessons and stay updated with modern techniques.
  6. Leverage Technology: Utilize tools like swing analyzers, launch monitors, and golf GPS for insights.
  7. Network with Skilled Players: Connect with golfers who consistently score in the 70s to gain insights and strategies.

Now we can look at these and other advice in more detail below.

Club Selection to Break 80

Breaking 80 consistently necessitates an intimate understanding of every club in your bag. This transcends mere distance—it encompasses control, spin, trajectory, and even how the club interacts with different turf conditions.

Begin by cataloging each club’s capabilities. Sure, your 7-iron might travel 150 yards on a full swing, but how does it behave with a three-quarter swing? What about when it’s slightly choked down? Answers to these questions can provide solutions for those in-between distances that often pose dilemmas on approach shots.

Terrain interaction also plays a pivotal role. Understand how your clubs respond to different lies. For instance, on a tight lie, a club with a sharper leading edge might be more efficient than one with a broader sole. Conversely, in the rough, a club that can glide without snagging might be more suitable.

Experimentation is key. Dedicate practice sessions to simulating course situations. If you often find yourself at a particular distance for approach shots on your home course, optimize your club selection for that range. Master controlled fades and draws with your mid-irons to navigate tricky pin positions or to account for wind.

How to Break 80 in Golf: Tips and Tricks

Short Game Mastery to Break 80

Achieving scores below 80, or to break 80 mandates a stellar short game, where subtleties can make all the difference. Greens, especially on more advanced courses, often possess intricate slopes, tiers, and undulations that challenge even seasoned golfers.

Your putting stroke should be smooth and repeatable. Consider investing in high-tech training aids that offer feedback on stroke path, face angle, and impact point. But technology aside, trust your instincts. Intuitively reading greens, accounting for factors like grain, moisture, and time of day can set you apart.

Lag putting becomes invaluable, turning potential three-putts into confident two-putts. Instead of solely focusing on the hole, visualize a “safe zone” around it. Getting your ball consistently into this zone from long distances can dramatically reduce strokes.

Chipping and pitching require a deft touch. It’s not only about getting the ball close to the hole, but also about controlling spin and predicting roll. Practice with different clubs, understanding how a 7-iron might release compared to a 60-degree wedge.

In the bunkers, finesse becomes crucial. Master the “splash” shot for soft greens and the “pick and run” for firmer ones. Understand the sand’s texture; softer sand demands a deeper dig, while firmer, compacted sand requires a shallower approach.

although a pitch and putt is often thought of as a beginners or part timers kind of golf course, it really does allow you to focus on your golf game and we have advice on how to get the most out of these short courses here on the site in the series of articles linked below.

Course Management and Strategy

Navigating the golf course with the intent to break 80 requires a strategist’s mindset. Every hole should be approached like a puzzle, identifying the most efficient route to the pin. Think beyond the fairways and greens; consider hazards, wind direction, landing zones, and even green slopes.

Before each round, study the course layout and note the challenges. Familiarize yourself with potential trouble spots and devise escape plans. Instead of automatically reaching for your driver on every par 4 or 5, evaluate the risks. Sometimes, teeing off with a 3-wood or even a long iron ensures a safer play, setting up a more favorable second shot.

Furthermore, embrace the art of recovery. Every golfer, no matter how skilled, will find themselves in a challenging position now and then. Whether it’s navigating out of the trees or negotiating a tricky downhill lie, practice shots you don’t encounter regularly.

Lastly, get to know the greens. A deep understanding of the putting surfaces—speed, grain, and typical pin positions—can be a game-changer. Aim not just to reach the green but to land the ball on the most advantageous portion of it.

How to Break 80 in Golf: Tips and Tricks

Peak Physical and Mental Fitness to Break 80

To Consistently break 80 requires more than just technique and strategy—it demands top-notch physical and mental conditioning. Incorporate exercises focusing on core strength, flexibility, and endurance. A strong core aids in generating power, while flexibility, especially in the hips and shoulders, ensures a fluid swing.

Mental strength is equally, if not more, crucial. Train your mind to stay present, focusing on the shot at hand rather than past mistakes or future challenges. Incorporate meditation or mindfulness exercises into your routine to improve focus and reduce anxiety on the course.

Additionally, practice under pressure. Simulate challenging scenarios in your training sessions—like needing to par the last hole to shoot a 79. By frequently placing yourself in these high-pressure situations, you’ll be better equipped to handle them in actual play.

Break 80 – Keep Learning and Evolving!

The world of golf is continually evolving, with new techniques, equipment, and technologies emerging regularly. Stay updated and be willing to adapt. Whether it’s tweaking your swing based on the latest research or trying out a novel training aid, embrace change.

Engage in regular lessons, even if you feel you’ve peaked. An external perspective, especially from a seasoned instructor, can offer insights that might elude you. They can spot subtle inconsistencies or recommend adjustments based on emerging methodologies.

Also, immerse yourself in golf literature—books, articles, podcasts, and videos. The experiences and insights from professionals and coaches can offer valuable tips, strategies, and inspiration.

We have some advice on ways to practice below.

How to Break 80 in Golf: Tips and Tricks

Leveraging Technology for Insights

In this age of digital innovation, golf has been revolutionized by technology that offers unprecedented insights. Tools like launch monitors, swing analyzers, and GPS devices are no longer exclusive to professionals; they’re invaluable assets for anyone serious about breaking 80.

Launch monitors, such as TrackMan or FlightScope, provide in-depth data on ball speed, spin rates, launch angles, and much more. This data helps pinpoint inefficiencies in your swing, allowing for precise adjustments.

For instance, understanding your spin rate can aid in selecting the right golf ball or tweaking your driver loft for optimal distance and control.

Swing analyzers attach to your club and provide real-time feedback on your swing path, face angle, and tempo. By consistently checking these metrics, you can ensure your swing remains on point, even as you make adjustments elsewhere in your game.

Additionally, modern rangefinders and GPS devices offer precise distances, not only to the pin but to hazards, carry distances, and even slope-adjusted measurements. This technology, when used judiciously, aids in accurate club selection and understanding course nuances that might not be evident at first glance.

Consider golf simulation software for off-season or at-home practice. Virtual rounds can provide valuable insights and let you familiarize yourself with courses before you physically step onto them.

Competitive Play and Networking

Regularly engaging in competitive play sharpens your game under pressure. By putting yourself in tournament situations, you become accustomed to the nerves, strategic decisions, and challenges that differ from casual rounds.

Local club championships, amateur leagues, or even friendly matches among peers with a small wager can simulate this competitive tension. Over time, you’ll find your comfort zone, allowing you to execute shots confidently even when stakes are high.

Networking is another overlooked aspect. Engaging with golfers who consistently shoot in the 70s provides a unique learning opportunity. Their insights, experiences, and strategies can offer fresh perspectives and solutions to challenges you face on the course.

Observing their play, decision-making, and even their practice routines can be incredibly enlightening.

Furthermore, these connections can lead to opportunities to play in invitational tournaments, gaining access to private courses, or even receiving recommendations for top-tier instructors and coaches.

How to Break 80 in Golf: Tips and Tricks

The Art of Resilience

Any golfer striving to break 80 will face rounds that test their patience and resolve. Errant shots, unlucky bounces, or just off-days are inevitable. Cultivating resilience becomes paramount.

Acknowledge that not every round will go as planned. Learn to quickly move on from mistakes, focusing on the next shot instead of dwelling on the past. A single bad hole doesn’t define a round. Reset, refocus, and move forward.

Regular mental training, like visualization exercises, can be instrumental. Picture yourself recovering from challenging spots or sinking crucial putts. Over time, these mental rehearsals can translate into improved on-course performance.

Additionally, maintaining a golf journal can be therapeutic and insightful. Jotting down post-round thoughts, analyzing decisions made, and strategizing for future scenarios helps process experiences and chart a roadmap for continuous improvement.

Customized Equipment and Professional Fittings

The right equipment, tailored to your unique swing and style of play, can be the difference between narrowly missing or breaking that 80 barrier. It’s not just about having top-of-the-line clubs but ensuring those clubs are optimized for your game.

Every golfer’s swing has nuances. Factors like swing speed, attack angle, and spin tendencies can significantly influence ball flight. Through professional club fitting, these elements are analyzed to provide the best shaft flex, clubhead design, and even grip size for your swing.

Consider your golf ball as well. Modern balls come in various designs catering to different player profiles. Some emphasize distance, others control, and some a balance of both. Experimenting under controlled conditions can determine which ball complements your game best.

Beyond the clubs and balls, don’t neglect other equipment like shoes and gloves. The right golf shoe can enhance stability and power in your swing. Similarly, a glove that fits perfectly can offer better grip and tactile feedback. We look at if you need gloves here on the site.

Always remember that while equipment can provide an advantage, it complements skill, doesn’t replace it. Regular reviews and adjustments, especially as your game evolves and improves, ensure that your equipment always aligns with your objectives.

We also have tips and Tricks articles for breaking other golfing milestones which can be accessed below.


Breaking 80 in golf is a testament to dedication, skill, and strategy. It’s more than just executing shots; it embodies a holistic approach, encompassing mental fortitude, continuous learning, and keen course strategy. Leveraging technology, networking with skilled players, and refining one’s game through deliberate practice can make the difference.

As you embark on this journey, cherish the milestones, and remember that golf, at its core, is as much about personal growth as it is about scores. With unwavering commitment and the right strategies, breaking 80 will not just be an aspiration, but a consistent reality.


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